الاثنين، 15 نوفمبر 2010

The Girls

The girl who walks the night alone,
Undesired and unloved,
Is missed by all the learned boys,
Who seek to find their dove,

The girl who walks the day is prized,
Popular, desired,
Hollow and uncouth, she lives,
By adverts, she's admired,

The girl who walks the night in thought,
Put down by those of day,
She's the one who feels emotion,
Is more in every way,

The girl who walks the day is famous,
All do gaze in awe,
Though they're due a shock then, soon,
She's fit for only fools,

The girl who walks the night is special,
One to hold up high,
One in thousands, something different,
But most just pass her by,

The girl who walks the day is foolish,
She is nothing but uncouth,
Never will she know the answers,
Never will she see the truth,

The girl who walks the night, depressed,
The one who should be gay,
The one who should win all the prizes,
But just gets pushed away,

The girl who walks the day is empty,
Devoid of all that counts,
Full of nothing, insignificant,
To nothing, she'll amount.

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